Romania Bucharest Mission Reunion
The quilt is done! Whew!
Just a note to let you know that our mission reunion is being held on Friday, April 3, 2009, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, in the BYU Wilkinson Center, room 3220. We look forward to getting together and renewing friendships! Dress is casual-nice. Food is pot-luck. The meat will be supplied by John and I. We would like to have several of you share a favorite mission experience....spiritual, fun, unusual, etc. Please think about it and call the us at 801-707-6875 if you would be willing to speak. There will be updates on the mission and comments from President Ashby. We will also collect donations for either Temple trips or education help for Romanian/Moldvian members. (Education help is only for members attending school in their own country!)
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