Grandma Chubby's Stuff

I hope you enjoy my postings. My husband and I are serving a mission in Romania and have had some wonderful adventures. Each of us have experiences in our life that make us different from that time forth. These experiences have done that for us.

My Photo
Location: Bucharest, Romania

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The End of the Rainbow!

We just found the "gold" and had to share it with you! Today we got word that the high court in Moldova rejected the Minister of Cults case to stop us from being registered in Moldova! They went along with the findings of the lower court and we are now allowed to register the church and officially exist in this country!
I can't tell you how happy this not only makes us feel, but also makes the members of our two branches feel! We have some final things to take care of before our missionaries actually get there but it should be soon! For one thing, we need to get the missionary department to send us the extra missionaries we will be needing!
We've waited two years for this to happen and are so grateful that hearts have been softened and the Lord has opened the way for us to go back to that wonderful country. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 25, 2006

We Dedicate our new Chapel!

This past week has been a really busy one. It was transfer week and we lost seven of our wonderful missionaries. Why is it that when they get so darn good at what they do that it is time to send them home?? We will truly miss this group but are excited for this next phase of their lives. They deserve the best! (from left to right) Elders Peet, Irion, Tanner, Nakken (Pres. Ashby) Larson and Sora's Homer and Westwood. May heaven smile on each of you!

On the 24th President Ashby had the awesome experience of dedicating our new (and big!) chapel in Bucharest! It was a wonderful day. The building was packed with about 300 members. It felt like we were in a regular ward back in the USA. We had an hour and a half Sacrament meeting that ended with a beautiful dedicatory prayer and after all of that we held a baptism in the building.
This building is all ready a great tool for our missionary work. People come off the street and walk in to see what our church is all about. The YSA hold activities and Outreach here and bring many non members with them. We don't need beautiful buildings to worship our father in heaven but we have found that having such a nice place to meet really validates the church and the work we are doing here and it is definitely an asset for us. We are so thankful to have this new meeting house.
On an ending note, we had ten new missionaries join us this week! Wow! We lose some of our best and we get an amazing new group to take their place! They are tired, happy, enthused, surprised and ready to work hard. We love them all! Posted by Picasa

Quick trip to Utah

The first week of September I had to make a quick trip to Utah for medical reasons concerning my eyes.
I found the kids have gone "whacky",
I was freezing cold with no winter clothes while watching my grandson's football game and,
our yard is a mess since the renters moved out and left it that way!
It was good to get back to Romania....normal weather, nice yard and, well, I have to admit that there are a few "whacky" people here too, but, I was a little bit like a "fish out of water", and to be truthful, it was great seeing the kids but I am very happy to be back in Romania, with my husband and performing my calling!

Sometimes it's easier just not knowing everything that is going on back home!

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